Sunday, February 16, 2014

The 21 Day Fix - by Beachbody

Hi there!!
So here's my take on The 21 Day Fix so far!  Its Sunday, and I am currently on Day 7.  

Day 7 and down 5 pounds.

What more is there to say? 

Just kidding! So The 21 Day Fix is a new program by the makers of Insanity, P90X, TurboFire, and Shakeology.  Its a 21 day portion control and exercise program built for those who struggle or need to revise their nutrition.

I personally have been on my own personal mission to transform my life, my body, and my diet.  Over the past year, I have done TurboFire, Insanity, a little Brazil Butt Lift and have lost 33 pounds.
33 pounds, that's fantastic, you say.....but I have to admit, that's over a year, and I struggle with food. 

MY nutrition has held ME back from making an incredible transformation!

This 21 Day Fix has really opened my eyes to  working-out EVERY day (just 30 minutes per day) and really realizing what kind of portions of EACH food group I should be eating to fuel my tired, tired, body for life and fitness. 
When this program was first released, we emphasized that there were no more COUNTING carbs, calories, points, etc.  After being on this program for 7 days, it was weird at first, trying to figure out what to eat and when and what color, and how many.... but I stuck to it, and made a plan, and its really SIMPLE.  Eat clean, eat in moderation, fill your containers and only eat what you fill them with, and you are GOOD TO GO! 

  •  7 exercise DVDs to interchange according to a schedule
  • the brightly colored containers for each food group
  • your super important SHAKEOLOGY in your flavor choice
  • a Shakeology shaker cup
  • the list of allowable food groups including nuts, cheese, chocolate and WINE!
  • Recipes, tips, a dining out guide, 
  • Talley Sheets to keep you on track 
  • a free gift - an extra incredible workout DVD 
  • FREE Membership to Beachbody account that includes support groups, recipes, workout logs, buddies to chat with and support, meal plans, motivation, your personal profile for logging RESULTS and PICTURES! 
  • the life-changing opportunity to be included in a Bombshell Challenge Group with yours truly
  • and the opportunity to submit your results to win either $500 or $1000
  • also, a free tshirt upon completion of the program! 

So here's a sample of a really good coach friend's sample meal plan for the week in the 1200- 1499 calorie bracket! She has simply taken her allowable foods and color coded the groups to match her allowable containers..... this makes it SO SIMPLE!  Now, you will have to adjust for your calorie bracket.. mine goes up to 1799 calories because I am overweight.. but it will go down as I lose weight!! 

Here is the list of workouts for the 7 days:
  • Total Body Cardio Fix
  • Upper Fix
  • Lower Fix
  • Pilates Fix
  • Cardio Fix
  • Dirty 30
  • Yoga Fix
As you can see there is a variety of workouts and I can tell you FROM EXPERIENCE....
I feel GREAT.

I am sore in all kinds of fatty places, that have never seen A TREADMILL or AN ELLIPTICAL.

Do NOT waste your time, EXERCISING, if you don't FEEL IT AFTERWARDS!!! 

So Day 7, today is Yoga day and I'm really looking forward to it.   Honestly.
To Be Continued.....