Tuesday, June 16, 2015

My 30 day commitment to GF

So I've decided it's time to eliminate gluten. Everything I've read has reinforced that this shit is poison to me,  you,  and anyone SUFFERING from Hashimoto's  Thyroiditis, Graves Disease, inflammation,  migraines....  I could go on and on.

And by suffering, I mean, questioning your sanity, your health, your emotions, and the damage you've done to your body for years. Not only do I struggle with body image, I now, without a doubt,  am battling an autoimmune disease that is attacking my body.

Basically,  I feel like CRAP. 

So today is day ONE (yes, again) that I've decided to make a change.

Again? Yes, again. Again because food is powerful. It has the ability to heal us, and kill us. It has the ability to control us, our  emotions, our celebrations, our justifications for being happy... or sad, or mad... or fat.... or  fit.

Too many times I've let food destroy me. I gave it all the power.  Thanks Lil Debbie, you lil bitch... is what I've always claimed. Thanks to you, I said,  I'm  struggling in this life. Being  Southern, is what I said, is the reason I enjoy food and eat at every turn.

But not today. Today, I am strong and I am determined to take control over my addictions.

First step: Gluten. @$$#/! $@×# GLUTEN! 

Today my diet has included coffee, cucumbers, snap peas, pecans, rotisserie  chicken and corn tortillas.

Have I removed gluten today ? I'm not sure?!?

Where are you Google? 

Okay,  so I've found that some coffees do contain fillers and additives that are a no-no.  Luckily MY coffee is a GO!!
THANKS Dunkin Donuts! I found my super answer here.

Being on a low-carb diet as well, I was kinda worried about the yellow corn tortillas. May not be good for low-carbing, but OK for GF. That'll be a sometimes food. But luckily, my MISSION tortillas said GF right on the package... duh!!

SO....I've done okay in the gluten free world. 

And I feel okay in my mind and body tonight. I could give the gore later if you're interested in what gluten and carbs can do even if you AREN'T celiac. 

