Tuesday, November 4, 2014

A Pondering

So even though it's been 28 days since I have weighed this much, the 10 pound influx hurts my feelings and hurts my spirit.

I know that it's only temporary and I continue to watch my diet and drink my water.

I don't feel well enough this week to workout, but it is good time to reflect on my history, my progresses, my before and "after" photos. I realize that I miss 21 Day Fix, and Focus T25 and TurboFire, which was once my beloved soul mate.   I lent 21 Day Fix from my personal library and realize the lady who borrowed it hasn't used it, so I ponder over asking for it back.

For a couple more days, my head will hurt, my pants will be too tight, my back will throb and I'll be cranky-as-hell, but such is life when you are a woman of age.

I may take my children for a walk in the new Fall air tonight, and ponder some more.

Until then, keep pressing PLAY and never GIVE UP !


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