Sunday, December 29, 2013

Clean Eating Grocery Shopping @Wal-Mart :) FOR BEGINNERS

So, the best advice I have found, and I remember it every time I hit up Wal-Mart, is to try your best to shop the PERIMETER of the store.
The only Wal-Mart I brave is in the Pass, its quiet and clean.  It doesn't have everything one may look for, but you won't get shot. :)
So, back to the PERIMETER.

1) Fruits and veggies - I typically purchase the following for clean eating: Bananas, apples, oranges, lettuce, spinach, cabbage, cilantro, broccoli slaw, onions, tomatoes, Wholly Guacamole, carrots, garlic, celery, green bell peppers, and the trio of sweet bell peppers.  I also grab raw almonds and/or sunflower seeds here.

2) Meat department:  I choose ground turkey over ground beef, but the best option would be ground WHITE turkey, chicken tenderloins, chicken breasts, and tilapia

3) Frozen section:  steamable veggies: broccoli, edamame, cauliflower, Ezekiel Bread if available

4) Dairy: eggs, almond milk and/or coconut milk blend, greek yogurt, in this general area, I also grab my LaCroix sparkling water. Im addicted. No sodium, no calories, nothing but water.

5) Bread- 100% whole grain if I must, but I generally avoid the breads. In this area, I grab natural or powdered peanut butter. PB2 is powder and is the way to go for mixing into shakes! Raw nuts will be in this area, too, if you can't find them in produce.

In the inner aisles of the grocery, there are a few boxed and canned things that I grab on the way to check out:
black beans
brown rice if necessary
chick peas
green beans
fat free chicken broth
green tea
albacore tuna in water

A couple staples I generally have at home for cooking:
Extra virgin olive oil
olive oil  nonstick spray
coconut oil (another topic later :))
balsamic vinegar
stevia or monk fruit for sugar substitute

My family is not 100% clean eating yet, but this is a pretty good start, and pretty budget friendly.  This list is based off what we will eat UNTIL ITS GONE.  Another idea is to create your list from your cooking menu. Its best to generally eat the same things 3-5 days/week to save on buying ingredients.  To me, there is no need to enter those center aisles, unless you plan or negotiating with yourself what is healthy and what is not. Better to avoid them altogether, outta sight, outta mind :)
I cook at home, and bring my lunch and snacks to work with me everyday.  I do not cook from a menu or typically use recipes. For me, the following chart is how my mind works for each meal. One carb, one  or more veggie, one protein, one oil. The above grocery list gives me several combinations. HAPPY NEW YEAR!


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