Thursday, January 16, 2014

Take the LEAP

Last January, I opened by birthday present, my TurboFire workout DVDs. I eyed them suspiciously and dreamed of being sweaty and fit, like the woman on the cover. Yeah right, I mumbled, as I landed back into reality. 

Fast forward to April, I'm down 10lbs. Then May, I was down 13 pounds and committed to my first Bombshell Challenge with my coach Lindsay. By July, Im addicted to Shakeology® and prepared to turn my challenge into something more than a hobby. An opportunity with a multi-million dollar company that cost me less than $40. An opportunity to do something with my life, to do something out of my comfort zone, to do something that NO ONE EVER THOUGHT I COULD.

Someone laughed at me when I told them I was a "coach". I laughed too because it was ridiculous to imagine! I signed up for a discount on my Shakeology and in turn became a coach! I AM an Independent Beachbody Coach, and I have the rest of my life to eat better, workout EVERYDAY, and inspire you, my dear, to do the same. I am currently down 30 pounds. Thank you for the inspiration and the compliments every day, without you, my journey may have ended long ago.

I have to PAY IT FORWARD, though, and share with you this opportunity that has CHANGED MY LIFE. My first sponsored coach just started putting her earnings away into her first savings account, and we both drink our Shakeology everyday NOW FOR FREE. I know its expensive, and with our 8-5 incomes just higher than a certain new "minimum wage," we still drink it for free on Beachbody earnings.

I can personally show you how to get this incredible shake for free everyday, if you are ready to DO IT, ready for a CHANGE, ready to inspire others to change THEIR lives forever, too. I can also show you how to join a team of women who are dedicated to the success of each and every one of us, by the grace of God, I call these women my family. Call me, text me, private message me. I'd love to share and invite you to join the INCREDIBLE team of women (and men!) who make up The Bombshell Dynasty.

Take the LEAP in 2014 and do something totally out of the box. I'm on my way to paying my car note and my daycare expenses with my Beachbody earnings. Every little bit helps, right? Apply here to be a part of The Bombshell Dynasty.

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