Monday, March 31, 2014

To New Friends


My lesson for this past weekend was that women who empower each other, support each other and laugh with each other, are true friends.

And… women who 5K together,  are friends forever!

I had an unforgettable Saturday with a group of girls who I will always consider my friends.

Team Bombshell’s day started on a 7:30am trek to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, to make a 9:30am registration time and 10:30am start time.

5k Foam Fest in Baton Rouge, claim to “get filthy clean” in the mud and the foam obstacle course. As far as 5k promotions go, it was over the top played up.  

When we arrived at the site, we realized there wasn’t much “foam” or “fest”. I remember calling it “lame” from the start, though I was super excited to do it!

We had a 10:30am registration time, and right at 10:30am, off we went through the cloud of foam at the starting line. I don’t think we saw any more foam for the next hour.  Our 5k turned out to be a hike in the Louisiana rainforest up and down muddy hills and trails, over the river, and through the woods. Luckily, the fest promoters had rebarb*  stakes and caution tape marking off the trail for us, and at times, we found ourselves using that tape to keep ourselves upright…it was that or the barbed wire that lined the {what appeared to be} cattle farm.

The incredible rainstorms and flash flooding we had had the days before, caused for a lot of mud and a lot of WATER… our 3 hour hike was alongside a river and its now-swollen banks, I think what was intended to be mud, was now an all-out-river-running-through-it, current and all, 8 feet deep at one point.

Our group of 6 strong bombshells teamed up to climb muddy banks, slip down muddy embankments into over flowing river water, around turns and corners, not knowing what to find. Our 5k was definitely not a run. It was challenging just to stay on your feet!  We slipped in water, in mud, in gross smelling darker mud, we ran through weeds and grass, through decaying leaves and sand dunes. We climbed over innertubes afloat a swollen river,  we were serenaded by Cousin Vinny, who challenged us to have a SAFE Saturday and to be CHAMPIONS of the rope house obstacle. As a team, we skipped a lame rope obstacle, that had you climbing sideways a foot off the ground.  We walked through shotgun shells, and near dead carcasses.  We tip-toed and scooted our feet along soggy river bottoms and fell into deep holes, soaking us to the bone. We worshipped the sunshine as it shone through the trees and waited in line to walk on water at the Lilypad Obstacle.   We were made fun of for being #TeamBombshell, we were photographed and photobombed as #TeamBombshell, we were reminded of what a #HotMess we were, and how #SuperFit we are NOT. 

Leaving the rainforest and the first 2 miles of our trek,  the open fields escorted us to 4 more foam obstacles, a 30 food Death Drop, a Body Wash reminisce of a car wash, a foam cube of fighting lemons and our finale, ¼ of a mile away, we ran our asses off to a slip and slide, to the Finish Line.  At the finish line, we received a medal, by a man sitting in a folding chair, a 100 calorie granola bar, a bottle of water, a too-small tee shirt, and one can of black cherry Mike’s Hard Lemonade.  There was no music, no celebration…but to sit our butts down in that warm grass, surrounded by forever friends, was freaking PRICELESS.


We basked ourselves in the sunlight, enjoyed our one free “cold one”, and carried on to rinse off the remaining mud and gunk, to the car to dry off and remove shoes, and then off to change at my sister’s nearby house in Denham Springs, Louisiana. 

My Saturday ended more than 12 hours after it started with the following Facebook post from my driveway.

Finally home. 5k foam mud river rat dirty panty kinda day. I cant drive another minute. If you need me, ill be floating in my tub. Xoxo
Amber Sterner Krystle King Womack Jaycee Lasso Eliza Galle Amanda Snowden

I wanted to write this to document the day, as not a Bombshell brought a phone or a camera (water, foam, mud)  and the promised photographers who would capture our day, WERE NOT IN THE WOODS OR RIVER, didn’t seem to show up, or didn’t post a single one of us in action.  I am keeping my fingers crossed that because it's only Monday, the photos have not all been uploaded yet.

WE LOVED IT!  I think its safe to say that we do it over and over and over again ANYDAY!  The friendships we made on Saturday, I just can’t say enough.

Updates:  The photographers came through and thanks to Amber Sterner for finding them!!!

*I know its

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Did you know?

Johns Hopkins says that CANCER CELLS FEED ON:

Sugar is a cancer-feeder.. By cutting off sugar, a person cuts off one important food supply to the cancer cells. Sugar substitutes like Stevia, xytol, honey, etc., are natural products. Even better natural substitutes would be Manuka honey or molasses but only in very small amounts.


Table salt has a chemical added to make it white in color. Better alternative is Bragg's aminos or sea salt.

Milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the gastro-intestinal tract. Cancer feeds on mucus. By cutting off milk and substituting with unsweetened almond milk, cancer cells are being starved. 

Cancer cells thrive in an acid environment.. A meat-based diet is acidic and it is best to eat fish, and a little chicken rather than beef or pork. Meat also contains livestock antibiotics, growth hormones and parasites, which are all harmful, especially to people with cancer.
A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole grains, seeds, nuts and a little fruit helps put the body into an alkaline environment. About 20% can come from cooked food including beans.. Fresh vegetable juices provide live enzymes that are easily absorbed and reach down to cellular levels within 15 minutes to nourish and enhance growth of healthy cells. To obtain live enzymes for building healthy cells, try drinking fresh vegetable juice (most vegetables including bean sprouts) and eating some raw vegetables 2 or 3 times a day. Enzymes are destroyed at temperatures of 104 degrees F (40 degrees C). 

Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate, which have high caffeine. Green tea is a better alternative and has cancer fighting properties. Water: best to drink purified water, or filtered, to avoid known toxins and heavy metals in tap water. Distilled water is acidic, avoid it.

Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires a lot of digestive enzymes. Undigested meat remaining in the intestines becomes putrefied and leads to more toxic buildup!!!! Gross! 

Cancer cell walls have a tough protein covering. Refraining from or eating less meat frees more enzymes to attack the protein walls of cancer cells and allows the body's killer cells to destroy the cancer cells.

Some supplements build up the immune system (IP6, Flor-ssence, Essiac, anti-oxid ants, vitamins, minerals, EFAs etc.) to enable the bodies own killer cells to destroy cancer cells. Other supplements like Vitamin E are known to cause apoptosis, or programmed cell death, the body's normal method of disposing of damaged, unwanted, or unneeded cells.

Cancer is a disease of the mind, body, and spirit. A proactive and positive spirit will help the cancer warrior be a survivor. Anger, un-forgiveness and bitterness put the body into a stressful and acidic environment. Learn to have a loving and forgiving spirit. Learn to relax and enjoy life.

 Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment. Exercising daily and deep breathing help to get more oxygen down to the cellular level. Oxygen therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer cells.

1. No plastic containers in microwave.

2. No water bottles in freezer.

3. No plastic wrap in microwave.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Amending Our Diets

For me, I have always researched healthy “diets” in search of something that worked for me, not just in losing weight, but something that I could adopt and STICK TO.   I have tried frozen dinners filled with too much sodium and too many processed ingredients. 
I have tried the Cabbage Soup Diet, the Vegetable Soup diet which allowed bananas and milk only on Tuesdays.
I have tried phentermine,  which was supposed to help me in losing weight, no matter my diet.
I have tried No Carb, Low Carb, Slow Carb and Atkins.
I have tried Weight Watchers.
I have tried a Vegan diet, a Vegetarian diet, and a Pescatarian diet.

The common denominator in all of these diets, is that “I tried”- I tried them all, and gave up on them for one reason or another.

The best results I have seen, that kept me motivated and willing to keep going, has been eating CLEAN.  I slip and fall, but I know that this “diet” is something that I can go back to over and over until the adoption process in my mind is complete.   Eating clean leaves you full and satisfied and energized to get healthy, exercise, get outside and breathe in some fresh air!

Eating clean, basically means to eat only foods that help to fuel your body, and to heal your body.  There is nothing beneficial in eating a food processed in a factory, I don’t care what they’veenriched it with; added fiber, calcium, iron, vitamin D, whatever.

In addition to eating clean, I’m going to focus on portion control. This is what I have seen until recently on portion sizes:

This is what the 21 Day Fix has showed me; these color-coded containers, several containers, several times a day.

“Its really that simple!” they say !

For a self-diagnosed food addict, its IMPERATIVE that I SHOP, PLAN, AND PORTION ACCORDING TO THIS SCHEDULE AND NOT EAT ANYTHING OUTSIDE OF MY SCHEDULE. My slippery-slope of cheat foods starts with ONE SLIP.  You would not offer an alcoholic, just ONE SHOT, and say “hey, in moderation its fine!” Sometimes you need to just cut things that are triggers for YOU, even if its just temporary.. you know, to get it OUT of your system, and to get your mind right.

If you can drink just 4oz wine, then DRINK IT.. If you can eat just a TABLESPOON on chocolate chips, THEN EAT THEM!  But I cannot, and have to find moderation in other places, like cheese, or dressing, or carbs.

Also, I know this fact, and must be reminded on a regular basis, that my water intake must be ON POINT, and that means, for me, 100 ounces per day.  Sounds like a lot, but spread from 5am to 11pm and a sip or two throughout the night, I can EASILY go over 100 ozs. 

Heres my water tip enjoyed by a lot of you on Facebook.

Heres my portion control tip:  Also, if you need help color-coding, please email me, I’d love to explain the colors to you! Once you know what colors you can have and when, it becomes “really that simple!” J    

Lets do this together !  Email me for unconditional support ! All I wanted in becoming a Beachbody Coach, was to motivate and EMPOWER other women like me!   Too often, I get “unfriended” or made fun of for what I’m doing in my life these days.. i.e. Fat Girl Preaches Getting Fit, But Stumbles, And She Doesn’t Look Like Shes Losing Weight Anyways, Don’t Make Eye Contact, She’ll Ask Me If I’ve Been Working Out, Do You Think Shes Trying To Sell Me Something?

That’s okay, my goal was to Empower YOU to achieve YOUR goals, and to find MYSELF along the way. 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

How to Lose 30 Lbs:

While researching my PLATEAU, I came across a cute quote pic that read:

Brilliant! I thought.  Lose ONE POUND.   Okay, I can do that. ONE POUND.  I've lost 33 pounds and kept them off with Beachbody and Shakeology, whats another ONE pound?

My goal is another 30 pounds.

So I started researching, how to lose ONE POUND AT A TIME and keep it off !  I KNOW my diet is the PROBLEM, there I said it. Are you happy? I have a fat girl brain, and my skinny girl is trapped inside, throwing her hands up in the air, like "what are you DOING?" Diet, diet, diet.  Processed food, carbs, processed food, carbs, I get it. I know it. I'M WORKING ON IT!  

Back to my ONE POUND AT  A TIME.  I came across this article                                                   101 Ways to Lose a Pound

Perfect, I have 101 choices to lose a POUND!  I'm on it.  I find that if I focus on losing the weight, and focus on my exercise, I'm more apt to stay away from the processed foods and carbs.  SO FOCUS. :) 

As I'm reading this article, I'm thinking:

"1. 45-minute jog at a 10-minute mile pace

2. 60-minute cycling session
3. 90 minutes on the elliptical
4. 50 minutes on the Stairmaster
5. 70 minutes of resistance training – i.e. lifting weights
6. 45-minute breaststroke swim
7. 45 minute of treading water
8. 2-hour walk at a moderate pace
9. 1-hour Zumba class
10. 2-hour Power Yoga class "            


WHO IN THE WORLD HAS TIME FOR THAT?????  The idea behind these lengthy exercises is that

"One pound is equivalent to 3,500 calories. Mix and match these 500-calorie burning workouts every day for a week, and viola, one pound gone. (Calories burned are based on a 125 pound woman.)"

That's one of those workouts, every SINGLE DAY for a week.
7 days X 500 calories each =ONE POUND

I HAVE BEEN WORKING OUT TO 21 DAY FIX, ONE OF THE EASIEST (most simple, rather) Beachbody programs I've ever done and we are boasting 450 calories burnt on that one, probably more since I'm close to 200 pounds! I know women who have lost 12-15 pounds in 21 days, by portioning their foods and exercising 30 minutes a day.

So in retrospect, I just need to stick with what I'm doing, do it consistently, maybe add a tiny bit more UMPH into my workouts... AMEND MY DIET, and I should be good to go without 2 HOURS IN A POWER YOGA CLASS! 

That is craziness! 

So the AMEND MY DIET portion of this is to go back to the basics of the 21 Day Fix program- thats easily color coded food-group containers and a list of foods to eat.  I saw some great changes with 21 DF, I did see changes to my quads (thighs) and my stomach and waist. Its simple fitness plus simple eating that really shows you what you should be eating, how much of said food group you should be eating and WHEN. It works. My problem is this: FAIL TO PLAN, YOU CAN PLAN TO FAIL.  I got behind on my grocery shopping , meal planning, and lunch packing, and in turn, really threw myself off course.  I have succumbed to processed foods, carbs, processed foods, you know the drill. 


The hard part is  staying committed and being held accountable. I have been a coach for a while now, motivating others, but somedays I need motivation directed at me! :)  If you want to join me, staying committed, making real progress towards our goals, call me!  

Update: I started Focus T25 the other day, as a trial run, and I REALLY LIKE IT, it almost seems EASY, dare I say?   I know I'm burning a ton of calories, but until I get one of those nifty caloric counters, I really have no idea... but I sweat wayyyy more than I ever have before!  And sweatingggg means I'M working and IT'S working and I should see some changes. I'm amending my diet as we speak. Its mental, ya'll, I know.  If you'd like to try Focus T25 or 21 Day Fix, holler at me, as I am putting together a group workout for Friday night 6pm.  If you can't make the FREE workout, holler anyways, I'll let you borrow a DVD to try! :) love you all

Monday, March 17, 2014


So my weight and fitness throughout my life has been one gigantic pendulum, swinging back and forth, shifting weight left to right,  unsure of where the journey started or stopped…. and not just in weight, but in feelings, emotions, motivations, determinations, realities, dreams, and desires.

In September of 2012 I decided enough was enough. After 6 pregnancies and 2 babies, tipping the scale at 228, I decided it was ENOUGH. I had had ENOUGH.

I started studying weight loss transformations on YouTube, and giving up the quick fixes and the diet pills for good. I knew I wanted a meal replacement shake, but which one to choose?  I ran across Shakeology, but it was super expensive, and it was GREEN. Ugh. I didn’t know about that, though I’ve never met a veggie that I didn’t like! I weighed the exercise and meal shake in my mind for months and months.

A little angel by the name of Amber knew I was looking for something and gifted to me, by way of herself, my Mother-In-Law and her sister, TURBOFIRE for Christmas. When I opened that box, my world came crashing down.  I was speechless, I didn’t have WORDS.  I was happy that my life was about to change, but so sad, THAT MY LIFE WAS ABOUT TO CHANGE.  I was excited and couldn’t wait to start!  I was scared, I was nervous; my heart was beating as fast as the thing could!

As soon as I got home, I pressed PLAY, and watched Chalene and TurboFire like a movie. It was to become my favorite movie, one that I participate in often.  The workout and the instructor are absolutely my soulmates and reminders of where I came from, who I was, and who I STILL WANT to be.  I also added that green Shakeology into my diet. Amber came over to work out and we were ON A MISSION.

I lost 33 pounds with TurboFire and Shakeology.

As typical of myself, after TurboFire, I did some Brazilian Butt Lift, Insanity, Chalene Extreme, 21 Day Fix, and now Focus T25. Amber decided to workout to P90X3 from her own home. I got BORED and wanted to try something new, but what happened, is that I didn’t get results bc I was switching it up and not being consistent EVERYDAY.  That led to an inconsistent diet, too many “cheat days”, and a PLATEAU.  I have stopped losing weight. I have started GAINING weight each week and WORKING OUT each week to get those SAME 5 pounds off.


I have lost the same 5 pounds each week, for 3 months

I have not failed over and over, and given up…. I’ve just been LOOKING for what was going to push me to the finish line, which is  another 40 pounds- what is it? What’s going to push ME?  Getting results ALWAYS pushes me for a while, but even then, I gain confidence and self-sabotage AT THE SAME TIME.

Is this YOUR story? No its MINE, but I bet it matches, pound for pound, about 85% of us women!  In retrospect, what TRULY drove me during those first 33 pounds, was the fact that I WAS HELPING SOMEONE ELSE at the same time. It wasn’t enough to do it for myself, but AMBER, was doing the workouts WITH ME. Maybe she thought she was motivating me, maybe I thought I was motivating her, but EITHER WAY, the two of us gained confidence and strength and REAL RESULTS.

I LOVE helping others on their journey, pushing and pulling them along the way, and motivating them to be the very best possible version of themselves!  I can only put in what YOU put in, but I really feel like I NEED to HELP PEOPLE!  You put 100%- I WILL MATCH IT AND WE WILL GET RESULTS!  I KNOW that’s how and why the Bombshell groups were formed!  There aren’t many of us that can self-motivate DAY IN and DAY OUT.  I try, and I WANT IT, but sometimes, you need support!   I’m proposing that you LEAN ON ME, if I can LEAN ON YOU! J Amber is actually the one who reminded me, that we were BETTER together, AS A TEAM.  I think in all areas of life, we need a SUCCESS PARTNER…


I’m ready to lose those 40 pounds I set for myself.  Got my meals ready for the week, my DVDs in hand, I’d like to start today, RIGHT NOW, but I NEED YOU, 100%, scared, anxious, nervous, EXCITED, to do it WITH ME!!!

For more information on my Bombshell Challenge Group, please fill out the application below.  I’M WAITING ON YOU TO FINISH SO WE CAN START! I WANT YOU IN  MY LIFE AND IN MY GROUP!

Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.