Thursday, March 20, 2014

How to Lose 30 Lbs:

While researching my PLATEAU, I came across a cute quote pic that read:

Brilliant! I thought.  Lose ONE POUND.   Okay, I can do that. ONE POUND.  I've lost 33 pounds and kept them off with Beachbody and Shakeology, whats another ONE pound?

My goal is another 30 pounds.

So I started researching, how to lose ONE POUND AT A TIME and keep it off !  I KNOW my diet is the PROBLEM, there I said it. Are you happy? I have a fat girl brain, and my skinny girl is trapped inside, throwing her hands up in the air, like "what are you DOING?" Diet, diet, diet.  Processed food, carbs, processed food, carbs, I get it. I know it. I'M WORKING ON IT!  

Back to my ONE POUND AT  A TIME.  I came across this article                                                   101 Ways to Lose a Pound

Perfect, I have 101 choices to lose a POUND!  I'm on it.  I find that if I focus on losing the weight, and focus on my exercise, I'm more apt to stay away from the processed foods and carbs.  SO FOCUS. :) 

As I'm reading this article, I'm thinking:

"1. 45-minute jog at a 10-minute mile pace

2. 60-minute cycling session
3. 90 minutes on the elliptical
4. 50 minutes on the Stairmaster
5. 70 minutes of resistance training – i.e. lifting weights
6. 45-minute breaststroke swim
7. 45 minute of treading water
8. 2-hour walk at a moderate pace
9. 1-hour Zumba class
10. 2-hour Power Yoga class "            


WHO IN THE WORLD HAS TIME FOR THAT?????  The idea behind these lengthy exercises is that

"One pound is equivalent to 3,500 calories. Mix and match these 500-calorie burning workouts every day for a week, and viola, one pound gone. (Calories burned are based on a 125 pound woman.)"

That's one of those workouts, every SINGLE DAY for a week.
7 days X 500 calories each =ONE POUND

I HAVE BEEN WORKING OUT TO 21 DAY FIX, ONE OF THE EASIEST (most simple, rather) Beachbody programs I've ever done and we are boasting 450 calories burnt on that one, probably more since I'm close to 200 pounds! I know women who have lost 12-15 pounds in 21 days, by portioning their foods and exercising 30 minutes a day.

So in retrospect, I just need to stick with what I'm doing, do it consistently, maybe add a tiny bit more UMPH into my workouts... AMEND MY DIET, and I should be good to go without 2 HOURS IN A POWER YOGA CLASS! 

That is craziness! 

So the AMEND MY DIET portion of this is to go back to the basics of the 21 Day Fix program- thats easily color coded food-group containers and a list of foods to eat.  I saw some great changes with 21 DF, I did see changes to my quads (thighs) and my stomach and waist. Its simple fitness plus simple eating that really shows you what you should be eating, how much of said food group you should be eating and WHEN. It works. My problem is this: FAIL TO PLAN, YOU CAN PLAN TO FAIL.  I got behind on my grocery shopping , meal planning, and lunch packing, and in turn, really threw myself off course.  I have succumbed to processed foods, carbs, processed foods, you know the drill. 


The hard part is  staying committed and being held accountable. I have been a coach for a while now, motivating others, but somedays I need motivation directed at me! :)  If you want to join me, staying committed, making real progress towards our goals, call me!  

Update: I started Focus T25 the other day, as a trial run, and I REALLY LIKE IT, it almost seems EASY, dare I say?   I know I'm burning a ton of calories, but until I get one of those nifty caloric counters, I really have no idea... but I sweat wayyyy more than I ever have before!  And sweatingggg means I'M working and IT'S working and I should see some changes. I'm amending my diet as we speak. Its mental, ya'll, I know.  If you'd like to try Focus T25 or 21 Day Fix, holler at me, as I am putting together a group workout for Friday night 6pm.  If you can't make the FREE workout, holler anyways, I'll let you borrow a DVD to try! :) love you all

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