Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Amending Our Diets

For me, I have always researched healthy “diets” in search of something that worked for me, not just in losing weight, but something that I could adopt and STICK TO.   I have tried frozen dinners filled with too much sodium and too many processed ingredients. 
I have tried the Cabbage Soup Diet, the Vegetable Soup diet which allowed bananas and milk only on Tuesdays.
I have tried phentermine,  which was supposed to help me in losing weight, no matter my diet.
I have tried No Carb, Low Carb, Slow Carb and Atkins.
I have tried Weight Watchers.
I have tried a Vegan diet, a Vegetarian diet, and a Pescatarian diet.

The common denominator in all of these diets, is that “I tried”- I tried them all, and gave up on them for one reason or another.

The best results I have seen, that kept me motivated and willing to keep going, has been eating CLEAN.  I slip and fall, but I know that this “diet” is something that I can go back to over and over until the adoption process in my mind is complete.   Eating clean leaves you full and satisfied and energized to get healthy, exercise, get outside and breathe in some fresh air!

Eating clean, basically means to eat only foods that help to fuel your body, and to heal your body.  There is nothing beneficial in eating a food processed in a factory, I don’t care what they’veenriched it with; added fiber, calcium, iron, vitamin D, whatever.

In addition to eating clean, I’m going to focus on portion control. This is what I have seen until recently on portion sizes:

This is what the 21 Day Fix has showed me; these color-coded containers, several containers, several times a day.

“Its really that simple!” they say !

For a self-diagnosed food addict, its IMPERATIVE that I SHOP, PLAN, AND PORTION ACCORDING TO THIS SCHEDULE AND NOT EAT ANYTHING OUTSIDE OF MY SCHEDULE. My slippery-slope of cheat foods starts with ONE SLIP.  You would not offer an alcoholic, just ONE SHOT, and say “hey, in moderation its fine!” Sometimes you need to just cut things that are triggers for YOU, even if its just temporary.. you know, to get it OUT of your system, and to get your mind right.

If you can drink just 4oz wine, then DRINK IT.. If you can eat just a TABLESPOON on chocolate chips, THEN EAT THEM!  But I cannot, and have to find moderation in other places, like cheese, or dressing, or carbs.

Also, I know this fact, and must be reminded on a regular basis, that my water intake must be ON POINT, and that means, for me, 100 ounces per day.  Sounds like a lot, but spread from 5am to 11pm and a sip or two throughout the night, I can EASILY go over 100 ozs. 

Heres my water tip enjoyed by a lot of you on Facebook.

Heres my portion control tip:  Also, if you need help color-coding, please email me, I’d love to explain the colors to you! Once you know what colors you can have and when, it becomes “really that simple!” J    

Lets do this together !  Email me for unconditional support ! All I wanted in becoming a Beachbody Coach, was to motivate and EMPOWER other women like me!   Too often, I get “unfriended” or made fun of for what I’m doing in my life these days.. i.e. Fat Girl Preaches Getting Fit, But Stumbles, And She Doesn’t Look Like Shes Losing Weight Anyways, Don’t Make Eye Contact, She’ll Ask Me If I’ve Been Working Out, Do You Think Shes Trying To Sell Me Something?

That’s okay, my goal was to Empower YOU to achieve YOUR goals, and to find MYSELF along the way. 

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