Monday, March 17, 2014


So my weight and fitness throughout my life has been one gigantic pendulum, swinging back and forth, shifting weight left to right,  unsure of where the journey started or stopped…. and not just in weight, but in feelings, emotions, motivations, determinations, realities, dreams, and desires.

In September of 2012 I decided enough was enough. After 6 pregnancies and 2 babies, tipping the scale at 228, I decided it was ENOUGH. I had had ENOUGH.

I started studying weight loss transformations on YouTube, and giving up the quick fixes and the diet pills for good. I knew I wanted a meal replacement shake, but which one to choose?  I ran across Shakeology, but it was super expensive, and it was GREEN. Ugh. I didn’t know about that, though I’ve never met a veggie that I didn’t like! I weighed the exercise and meal shake in my mind for months and months.

A little angel by the name of Amber knew I was looking for something and gifted to me, by way of herself, my Mother-In-Law and her sister, TURBOFIRE for Christmas. When I opened that box, my world came crashing down.  I was speechless, I didn’t have WORDS.  I was happy that my life was about to change, but so sad, THAT MY LIFE WAS ABOUT TO CHANGE.  I was excited and couldn’t wait to start!  I was scared, I was nervous; my heart was beating as fast as the thing could!

As soon as I got home, I pressed PLAY, and watched Chalene and TurboFire like a movie. It was to become my favorite movie, one that I participate in often.  The workout and the instructor are absolutely my soulmates and reminders of where I came from, who I was, and who I STILL WANT to be.  I also added that green Shakeology into my diet. Amber came over to work out and we were ON A MISSION.

I lost 33 pounds with TurboFire and Shakeology.

As typical of myself, after TurboFire, I did some Brazilian Butt Lift, Insanity, Chalene Extreme, 21 Day Fix, and now Focus T25. Amber decided to workout to P90X3 from her own home. I got BORED and wanted to try something new, but what happened, is that I didn’t get results bc I was switching it up and not being consistent EVERYDAY.  That led to an inconsistent diet, too many “cheat days”, and a PLATEAU.  I have stopped losing weight. I have started GAINING weight each week and WORKING OUT each week to get those SAME 5 pounds off.


I have lost the same 5 pounds each week, for 3 months

I have not failed over and over, and given up…. I’ve just been LOOKING for what was going to push me to the finish line, which is  another 40 pounds- what is it? What’s going to push ME?  Getting results ALWAYS pushes me for a while, but even then, I gain confidence and self-sabotage AT THE SAME TIME.

Is this YOUR story? No its MINE, but I bet it matches, pound for pound, about 85% of us women!  In retrospect, what TRULY drove me during those first 33 pounds, was the fact that I WAS HELPING SOMEONE ELSE at the same time. It wasn’t enough to do it for myself, but AMBER, was doing the workouts WITH ME. Maybe she thought she was motivating me, maybe I thought I was motivating her, but EITHER WAY, the two of us gained confidence and strength and REAL RESULTS.

I LOVE helping others on their journey, pushing and pulling them along the way, and motivating them to be the very best possible version of themselves!  I can only put in what YOU put in, but I really feel like I NEED to HELP PEOPLE!  You put 100%- I WILL MATCH IT AND WE WILL GET RESULTS!  I KNOW that’s how and why the Bombshell groups were formed!  There aren’t many of us that can self-motivate DAY IN and DAY OUT.  I try, and I WANT IT, but sometimes, you need support!   I’m proposing that you LEAN ON ME, if I can LEAN ON YOU! J Amber is actually the one who reminded me, that we were BETTER together, AS A TEAM.  I think in all areas of life, we need a SUCCESS PARTNER…


I’m ready to lose those 40 pounds I set for myself.  Got my meals ready for the week, my DVDs in hand, I’d like to start today, RIGHT NOW, but I NEED YOU, 100%, scared, anxious, nervous, EXCITED, to do it WITH ME!!!

For more information on my Bombshell Challenge Group, please fill out the application below.  I’M WAITING ON YOU TO FINISH SO WE CAN START! I WANT YOU IN  MY LIFE AND IN MY GROUP!

Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

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